Fishing during your boat party


Fishing is an activity that exists since the dawn of time, it was first used to catch fish and feed yourself, but with time it also started to become a way of entertaining yourself, and that is what we propose.


Indeed, our service proposes to anyone who wants (but it is better if you order a boat with this activity) a fishing experience in the sea and rivers of Bangkok.


There is a different type of fishing, but we will primarily use the most common way of angling, which is with a fishing rod and a bait!

Fishing on boat

Fun activities during your boat party

As you may already know, we have a lot of boats that you can order from us, which vary from a pirate ship to a superyacht.


Of course, it is well equipped and if you want, it can come with our crew (or some bikini babes if you want) and there is a ton of fun activities on board too.


For example, you can have a simple party, but if you want you can also go for a bit of scuba diving or have ridden on one of our jet skis if you never tried. There is a lot of water-related activities so come and see with us what you may like.


This is an opportunity to discover, or rediscover, the pleasure of being in nature and enjoying our magnificent heritage while engaging in a healthy, stimulating, and rewarding activity.

Fishing on boat

All fishing equipment provided

When you come to us with the intention of fishing, you will maybe think “I hope they have everything required to fish” and you will be right to ask you this question.


To give you an answer, let’s say that all you need will be provided by us whether it is a quality fishing rod, or some quality bait (you may have to bring your own hat for more authenticity but other than that, you are good).


So, do not worry about the small details, you need to fish? We will provide you with what you need for it!

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Fishing class on demand

If you wish, you can also take one of our fishing classes on demand, this service is one of the funniest experiences we can propose.


It is because of course, you will learn how to fish with this class, but we most importantly do everything so that everyone can have a good laugh.


For that, we may have to challenge you alongside your friend to catch the biggest fish you can or the most in the shortest amount of time.


It is incredibly fun so if you are curious about it, contact us for more information.

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Kid birthday fishing trip

We can also provide a fishing trip only for the kid if you and they wish.

We will teach them how to fish properly by taking them to beautiful water spots in Bangkok, it will initiate them to the joy of catching fish, and they will learn how to be patient and how to persevere.

They will of course be provided with the equipment they need, security (our staff and some safety jackets) and a lot of fun!

Fishing on boat

Experience fishing during your boat party

Angling is a lot of fun whether you are on a boat or not.


With us, your experience will be incredible so do not hesitate and come try having a fishing contest while (or after) having your boat party.


As we said, we will handle everything so do not worry about the small details like the equipment or the safety (because yes, we also have your safety) and just enjoy how peaceful and full of life Bangkok can be whether you are fishing in its river or at sea.

Fishing on boat

Thai Boat party: Your boat event planner in Thailand

Let us know your preferred location, your kind of event, your preferred type of boat and your budget: Let us take your boat event to the next level!
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